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Community Workshops
Click on an icon below to jump to class listings in your area of interest. Click on Instructor’s name for Instructor Bio.
Celebrate Your Birthday With One of Our Art Parties! For birthday bashes with an artistic flair, we now offer Visual Art Parties for children. Our birthday parties are led by professional artists and qualified art instructors. Choose a Pollock party, a puppet party, or one of our other themed projects and let your child’s birthday party be a fun, creative experience. Cost: $150 (up to 10 children) $12 for each additional child
Price includes: Art instructor, Hands-on Creative Arts Workshop with a take-home project, assistance with set-up, serving and clean-up, and use of the Disney Art Studio. Parties are 2 hours. The first hour is for the art-making activity and the second hour is for gifts, cake-cutting, etc.
For reservations or information, call (843) 686-3945, Ext. 222.
 These art classes for ages 2-5 are designed to help children develop fine motor skills and encourage creativity through the visual arts. Students will learn color and shape recognition, how to use art tools, and a variety of concepts expressing themselves using an array of media and methods. This Program sponsored in part by Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. (www.cf-lowcountry.org) and The Bargain Box & Junior League of Savannah. Scholarships available on an as needed basis. Instructor: Alana Adams  Ages: Children 2-5 (accompanied by an adult) Tuition: $10 per class session. Location: Disney Studio Thursdays: 10:00-11:00 a.m. Session 1: 4/23 - 5/28 $60 Summer Sessions: 6/11, 6/18, 7/16, 8/13, 8/27
Pottery Firing Rates - Whether your work was created at our studio or at your home studio, the Arts Center can fire pottery for you. Click on the link for firing rates, policies and procedures.
Handbuilding Pottery Course for Adults Participants will learn basic handbuilding techniques such as slab, pinch, and coil and will complete several projects in each series. Emphasis will be placed on surface design techniques such as sgraffito and stenciling. Experienced potters welcome! Instructor: Alana Adams Ages: 13 - adult Tuition: $65 per series Dates: Series 1: 5/6, 5/8, 5/15 Series 2: 5/20, 5/22, 5/29 Time: 10:30-12:30
Fundamentals of Drawing and Painting In this week-long workshop participants will begin by learning the basic fundamentals of 2D art such as composition, positive and negative space, relationship between objects and perspective. Once you are comfortable with your drawing skills, you will learn how to layer colors from dark to light, mix colors, glaze and more. Instructor: Addison Palmer Ages: Adult Tuition: $300 + supplies (supply list provided) Dates: May 11-15 Time: 9:00-2:00
Flip Flop Friends Make a flip-flop friend for summer fun in this puppet making workshop. Participants will use flip-flop sandals and a variety of other materials to create one-of-a-kind puppets, then will use their imagination to bring them to life to perform for family and friends. Instructor: Yostie Ashley Ages 5-12 Tuition: $10 Dates: July 2 Time: 10:30-11:45
Summer Camps 2009
Art Around the World Camp Get ready for fun as we travel abroad learning about the artforms of people from places all over the world such as Africa, China, Mexico, Australia, and Japan. June 22-26 Ages 5-7 - 1:00-3:30 Ages 8-12 - 10:00-12:30 $100 Take the Stage! Performing Arts Camp Each one-week session will expose children to a variety of performing arts methods such as dance, theater, and music. Classes will be taught by professionals in the performing arts and topics will include dance, music, drama, and more! June 22-26 Ages 5-7 - 10:00-12:30 Ages 8-12 - 1:00-3:30 $100 Enjoy both camps this week for $175 From Rumi to Rauschenberg: Exploring Language in Visual Art During this week-long journey we will be looking at how language has influenced art over time. From ancient illuminated texts to contemporary art and mass media design we'll explore each medium while creating our own portfolio of language inspired works. July 6-10 Ages 13-adult 1:30-3:30 $100
Kids N Clay Camp Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! During this camp, students will learn a variety of ceramic hand building techniques: including pinch, slab, coil, surface decoration, glazing, and more! Each student will complete at least 4 projects including an Egyptian pyramid box and a hanging bird bath. Because of the drying and firing time needed when working with this unique medium, students will attend camp for 4 days, then return for glazing and surface decoration on the following Friday. (Make-up glaze days can be arranged if necessary). July 6-9 and July 17 (glaze day) Ages 6-12 10:00-12:30 $100
Theatre Camp Make a cast of new friends during this fun-filled week! Campers will experience a mini-production and will not only be the cast, but will also be the production crew, learning how to write scripts, understand and develop character, create set design and props, and design costumes. July 13-17 Ages 9-14 9:30-3:30 $150
Mixed Up Masterpieces Visual Arts Camp During this one-week session students will experience working in mediums such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, found objects, and more. One or more new projects will be introduced each day culminating in a student exhibit on Friday . Classes will be taught by professional artists. July 20-24 Ages 5-7 - 1:00-3:30 Ages 8-12 - 10:00-12:30 $100
Take the Stage! Performing Arts Camp Each one-week session will expose children to a variety of performing arts methods such as dance, theater, and music. Classes will be taught by professionals in the performing arts and topics will include dance, music, drama, and more! July 20-24 Ages 5-7 - 10:00-12:30 Ages 8-12 - 1:00-3:30 $100
Enjoy both camps this week for $175
Seashore Art Camp Join us on this seaside adventure as we explore a variety of mediums and make seashore treasures such sea turtles, marine alphabet flags and clay lighthouse pencil holders. August 3-7 Ages 5-10 10:00-12:30 $100
Registration Requirements Pre-registration is required for all classes, workshops and camps. Family Discount: 1st child: Regular tuition 2nd or more child: Receives 20% off tuition Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made 2 weeks prior to the first day of class. A $25 administration fee will be deducted from any refunded amount. For registration or workshop information contact the Education Office (843) 686-3945, Ext. 233. jrichey@artshhi.com